I feel like every single time I write a post I always mention how big of an inspiration Austin Kleon. But here I go again.
So, I’ve build a habit of doing at least one prompt in my Steal Like An Artist Journal every day.
It’s been 23 days and by now I’ve truly made the journal my own. I took some washi tape and covered the prompts that are not my cup of tea. I’m not much for painting so it’s mostly those but also some that do not “speak to my soul”.
Another thing I’ve done is I came up with a few of my own prompts and wrote them on the blank pages. Most of them are stolen from other creative people and Austin himself.
So I want to share one of those prompts with you.
One of the things Austin writes in the Steal Like An Artist book is “Write the book you want to read”.

I decided this idea should have its own prompt in the journal. So I made a prompt that looks like this:

It turned out to be a great reflective exercise. The books I want to read tell me a lot about what is missing from my life and what kind of wisdom I want to acquire.
Did you ever think “Why hasn’t anyone written a book about …?”. Sit down and come up with 10 of those. It’s super fun!